Events & Seminars

10th March 2023 :

K.V.Surendrnath Award 2024.
Panel Discussion on “The New American Politics and Implications for India” 7 th March 2025"

The book (Travellogue) “Sooryakanthiyude Simhasanam” (Japan Yathra Smaranakal) (Mal) written by Shri.K.Asok Kumar was selected for the K.V.S. Award 2024. Shri.Ajujith Sajeev, MA Philosophy (2023 Exam of Kerala University) who secured first class first rank was selected for K.V.Surendranath Endowment 2024. The award and the endowment were given away in a memorial meeting held on 17 th January 2025 at K.V.Surendranath Hall, C.Achutha Menon Centre by Smt.J.Chinchurani, Hon’ble Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development , Government of Kerala. Shri.V.P.Unnikrishnan delivered the memorial speech on the occasion. Panel Discussion on “The New American Politics and Implications for India” 7 th March 2025

A panel discussion was jointly organised by the Foundation and Xavier - Loyola Institute for Inter Disciplinary Research (XLIR) Trivandrum at the Jose Murikkan Hall, Loyola College of Social Sciences, Sreekariyam on 7 th March 2025. Fr. Sunny Kunnappilli, Manager. Loyola College of Social Sciences delivered the presidential address. Shri.Binoy Viswom, President, C.Achutha Menon Foundation, Dr.R.Gireesh Kumar, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Political Science, University of Kerala were the panelists. Dr.Sabu P.Thomas, Principal of the College, Shri.N.Shanmughom Pillai, Secretary, C.Achutha Menon Foundation felicitated. Dr.Binoy Jacob, Director, LIPI, Kochi & Managing Editor Ezhuthu was the Moderator.

27th January 2020 :

Two day National Seminar
"Two day National Seminar on Mahatma Gandhi : A Contemporary Reading"

The seminar was inaugurated in a largely attended public meeting held in the Ayyankali Hall at 5pm on 27th January 2020 by Dr.Anand Gokhani, the great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. The session was presided over by the president Shri.Kanam Rajendran, Dr.Sudarshan Iyengar, Former Vice-chancellor of the Gujarat Vidyapeeth delivered the Key note Address. Shri.N.Shanmughom Pillai, Serecretary of the Foundation welcomed the gathering and Dr.P.Sukumaran Nair, Seminar Co-ordinator proposed the vote of thanks.

The detailed four sessions under the following titles were held from 9am onwards on 28th January at C.Achutha Menon Centre at Poojappura. Prof.M.P.Mathai, Former Professor & Director, School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, MG University, Kottayam, Shri.S.M.Vijayanand, Former Chief Secretary, Kerala. Dr.Joy Elamon, Director General, KILA, Shri.Kumar Prashanth, Chairman, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi (Valedictory Address). Prof.B.Vivekanandan, (Former Professor, JNU), and Dr.G.Balamohan Thampi, former Vice-chancellor, Kerala University chaired the sessions. 125 delegated from all session participated in the seminar sessions.

This is the 23rd Seminar & the 12th National Seminar organized by the foundation.

10th March 2016 :

Three day National Seminar
Three day National Seminar on 'Sustainable Development : Searching A Policy Frame for Kerala'

The Seminar went on as scheduled. Two hundred and fifty delegates including chairmen of sessions were registered on the first day. The sessions also were held as per scheduled. On 6th afternoon the Valedictory session started at 4pm. Dr.P.Sukumaran Nair, Seminar Co-ordinator, gave the welcome address.

Smt.Medha Patkar, the environmental activist inaugurated the session. Shri.Benoy Viswom, former Minister for Forest and Environment was in the chair. Dr.Deepa, Asst.Professor, Dept. of Economics, MG College, Thiruvananthapuram presented the rapporteur's report. Dr.P.Suresh Kumar, Convenor, Seminar committee proposed vote of thanks.

The relevant news items appeared in the news papers during first March to 7th March are attached. Several service / TU organisations, PSUs, Hospitals and other individulas had supported the seminar through donations and complimentory banners. The support extended by the leaders and workers of the Comminist Party of India especially Shri.Kanam Rajendran, State Secretary and Shri.G.R. Anil, Trivandrum District Secretary.

15th January 2016 :

K.V Surendranath Award 2015:
K.V Surendranath Award 2015 was given to Adv. E Rajan for his book "GURUVAYUR SATHYAGRAHAM" at a function held on 14th January 2016 at Achuthamenon Centre.

The award was presented by Shri. Kanam Rajendran, President of the Achuthamenon Foundation

K.V Surendranath Endovment Prize 2015:
K.V Surendranath Endovment Prize 2015 was given to Smt. Nikhila Nagappan who secured 1st rank i the MA phylosophy Examination of Kerala University held in July 2014
The revised website of the Foundation finalized throuth Ficus InfoTech IT Solutions was launched on the ocassion by the President of the Foundation

The following seminars were held under the auspices of C.Achutha Menon Study Centre and Library from the year 1997 onwards:

1.         16th & 17th October 1997 All India Seminar on Science, Technology and Development
2.         10th January 2000 Integral Development of Kerala
3.         5th February 2000 Review of the Constitution
4.         April 2000 Women’s Issues.
5.         16th August 2000 Contemporary Issues of Kerala Economy.
6.         16th August 2001 Agrarian Crisis in Kerala  
7.         10th January 2002 Karshaka Seminar
8.         25th May 2004 ADB Loan and future of Kerala
9.         10th January 2005 Achutha Menon – the Writer
10.       19th May 2005 Community Health
11.       8th to 10th October 2005 National Seminar on Governance and Development-Lessons and Experiences of Kerala. The Seminar was inaugurated by H.E.Shri.R.L Bhatia Governor of Kerala.
12.       24th to 26th April 2008 National Seminar on Revisiting Land Reforms in Kerala, The Seminar was inaugurated by Shri.V.S.Achuthanandan, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala. Prof.Prabhat Patnaik Vice-Chairman, State Planning Board, Delivered the Valedictory Address.
13.       8th – 10th of July 2010 National Seminar on Electoral Reforms inaugurated by Shri. Hameed Ansari, Hon’ble Vice-President of India in the opening session presided over by Shri.V.S.Achuthanandan, Shri.Oommenchandy, Dr.Shashi Tharoor, Justice K.T.Thomas, P.D.T.Achari, Jayaprakash Narayanan (Lok Satta Party), N.R.Madhava Menon, D.Raja. Sudhakar Reddy and Shashi Kumar (Journalist) attended.
14.       16th May 2012 One day Seminar on Draft National Water Policy 2012 jointly with Dept. of Environment and Climate Change Govt. of Kerala at Vylopilli Samskrithi Bhavan, Tvpm. Inaugurated by Shri.N.K.Premachandran. Shri.C.P.John, Dr.K.Soman, Prof.R.V.G.Menon, Shri.Ram Kumar, Shri.N.K.Sukumaran Nair, Dr.V.S.Vijayan, Shri.Anil Kumar,  Shri.V.V.Pushpangathan, Dr.K.G.Thara (Do-ordinator) and Shri.M.G.Radhakrishnan (Journalist) attended the Seminar.
15.       26 – 28 July 2012 National Seminar on Kerala Economy in Transition : Challenges in Governance. Inaugurated by Shri.Oommenchandy, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala, Dr.C.P.Chandrasekhar (JNU) delivered the keynote address. Shri.M.P.Ahuthan MP, Prof.(Dr)B.Vivekanandan felicitated. Prof.M.A Oommen, Dr.K.P.Kannan, Prof.Pulepra Balakrishnan, Prof.P.K.Micheal Tharakan, Dr.P.Suresh Kumar,(Convenor), Prof.K.Raman Pillai, Shri.Prakash Babu, Dr.S.Srilatha, Dr.P.Krishnakumar, Manjusha S.Nair, Ms.Salini Lawrence, Dr.S.R.Jitha, Shri.P.Nisad, Ms. Swathi Senan, Shri.P.S.Vishnu, Smt.NIthya N.R., Dr.Joemon Mathe, Ms. Lakshmi, Ms.K.Anitha, Dr.Manju S.Nair, K.Arun Anand, Dr.Vipin Chandran, Dr.K.M.George, Dr.K.C.Sunny, Dr.N.Ramalingam, Ms.Srilekhs R.G., Dr.V.R.Prabhakaran Nair, Dr.Anitha S.Ramachandran, Dr.N.Madhavamenon, Dr.P.Rajendran Nair, Shri.Reinhart Phili,, Dr.T.M.Joseph, Dr.Jose Chathukulam, Prof.R.V.G Mnon, Dr.A.D.Damodara, Dr.Kumari Latha devi, Dr.M.Lathika and Shri.C.E.Ajithkumar, Shri.Priyesh, and Shri.M.P.Abraham, Dr.C.S.Venkateswaran, Shri.Pannian Raveendran, Dr.Mary George, Dr.B.A.Prakash, Shri.C.P.John, Dr.M.Kunhaman, Shri.M.P.Shibu, Shri.N.Niyati, Dr.Jose George, Dr.M.Kuttappan, Dr.K.N.Harilal, Dr.P.A.Vasudevan and Dr.M.P.Parameswaran attended as chairpersons or as presenters of papers. The valedictory session was inaugurated by Shri.V.S.Achuthanandan, and Shri.S.Ramachandran Pillai delivered the special address.
16.       21st - 23rd December 2012 National Seminar on Water Management : Mounting challenges and Responses jointly with KSCSTE, Tvpm. Shri.V.M.Sudheeran inaugurated. Dr.V.N.Rajasekharan Pillai, Executive Vice-President, STEC, and Shri.M.P.Achuthan MP felicitated. Dr.P.Nandakumar, Prof.M.K.Prasad, Dr.P.S.Harikumar, Dr.Veerasekharappa (Bangalore), Prof.K.V.Jayachandran,  Shri.Purushan Elloor, Dr.Biju Kumar, Dr.N.C.Narayan (IIT, Bombay), C.K.Karunakaran (IFS, Retd), Father Pellinianikal (Kuttanad Vikasanasamithi), Dr.P.Rajendran Nair, Dr.N.Madhava Menon, Shri.Varghese C.Thomas (Malayala Manorama), Dr.Rose Mary George, Dr.Prakash Nelliyat (Chennai), Prof.Sanjay Biswas (IISC, Bangalore), Dr.K.G.Padmakumar, Prof.Noble Abraham, Dr.Malli Gandhi, Reinhart Philip, Dr.Anju Rajan, Shri.M.R.Ramesh, Dr.Nimmy Kurian (Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi), Dr.C.R.Neelakantan, Dr.Midatala Rani, Dr.T.M.Joseph, Prof.T.P.Sankarankutty Nair, Dr.N.K.Jayakumar, Shri.N.K.Premachandran, Dr.V.S.Vijayan (Bio-diversity Board), Dr.K.Soman, Dr.M.Lathika, Dr.Latha, Shri.Vadayar Ramanan, Shri.C.Ajith Kumar, Dr.K.G.Thara, Dr.P.Sukumaran Nair (Convenor), Dr.S.Srilatha, Shri.Shibu.M.P., Ms. Sai Sree.G.S. attended as Chairpersons or presenters of paper.
17.       25 – 27 September 2013 Three day National Seminar on Women and Governance sponsored by UGC and Organised by Women’s Study Cell  NSS College for Women, Neeramankara, Tvpm in association with C.Achutha Menon Study Centre.
18.       13th March 2014 One day Seminar on Left Renaissance – Latin American Experience – held Jointly with Joshi – Adhikari Institute of Social Studies, New Delhi. Attended by Martha Harneckar  (Economic Advisor to the Govt. of Venisuela and Michael A.Lebovitz (Economist).
19.       07 – 09th January 2015 Three day National Seminar on Energy Crisis : Problems and Prospects held P.J.Alexander, former DGP, Amba. T.P.Sreenivasan, Prof.(Dr) B.Vivekanandan  (former Professor, JNU,), P.A.Siddhartha Menon, CMA Nayar, Dr.K.Ravi, Dr.S.P.Udayakumar (Koodamkulam), Dr.Sonamuthu, Prof.V.K.Damodaran, Shri.G.Madhavan Nair (ISRO), Shri.K.M.Dharesan Unnithan, Dr.G.Pavithran, Ms.Vandana.P., Shri.Santhosh, Shri.C.P.John, Shri.Anantha Krishnan, Dr.Priyesh.C.A. & Dr.M.P.Abraham, Shri.S.Muthukrishna Iyer, Shri.K.K.Vasu, Dr.Sasi K.Kottayal (Coimbatore), Adv.Hariharan Neelakandan, Dr.Jomon Mathew, Dr.R.Santhosh, Ms.Vinitha Kumari, Shri.A.M.Narayanan, Dr.M.N.Sreedharan Nair, Dr.N.Murugan, Shri.G.Krihnakumar, Dr.Anitha Ramachandran, Dr.Geetanjali, Prof.Ninan Koshy, Prof.R.Sethumadhavan (Chennai), Shri.Sajidas, Dr.V.M.Anand Kumar,  Tomaj arian Kia (Iran – Mysore), Dr.A.Gopalakrishnan, Prof.B.Vivekandan, Adv.K.Shaji (Convenor), Shri.Renjish Kumar V.K., Ms.Rani.S.Mohan, Shri.S.Sanoop and Akhila & Swathi attended the seminar as presenters of papers or chairpersons. Inaugurated by Shri.E.Chandrasekharan Nair and Valedictory Address by Dr.A.Gopalakrishnan (Former Chairman, Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission).
            The C.Achutha Menon Memorial Lectures, were delivered by Shri.Nikhil Chakraborthy (1993), Dr,M.S Valiathan (1994), Shri.V.Ramachandran IAS (1996), Shri P.A. Sangma, Speaker Loksabha (1997), Dr.N.R.Madhava Menon Vice-chancellor, NJ.University, West Bengal (1998), Dr.K.N. Harilal Fellow CDS (2000) Dr.G.Balamohan Thampi, former Vice – Chancellor, University of Kerala (2001), Dr.B.Eqbal Vice-Chancellor University of Kerala (2002), Dr.K.P.Kannan Director CDS (2003), Prof.Ninan Koshy (2004), Dr.K.N.Panikkar Eminent Historian (2005), Ambassador T.P. Sreenivasan IFS (Rtd) (2006) Dr.N.R.Madhava Menon (2007) P.Vatsala, Novelist (2008), C.Radhakrishnan, Writer (January 2009), Dr.D.Babu Paul IAS Former Addl. Chief Secretary, (August 2009), Dr.V.S.Vijayan, Director Kerala State Biodiversity Board (January 2010), Dr.N.R.Madhava Menon (2011), Dr.M.A.Oommen (2012) Dr.Shashi Tharoor MP (2013), Dr.Pulepra Balakrishnan (2014), Dr.Puthusseri Ramachandran (2015), on topics related to Society and Politics in India.
            A series of seminars were organised to mark the Golden Jubilee of the formation of the State of Kerala from Nov.2006.
1.Seminar on Role of Media, Participants : B.R.P.Bhaskar, C.Gouridasan Nair
2.Seminar on Education : Participants : Prof.Ninan Koshy, Dr.G.Bala Mohan Thampi and Dr.N.A.Karim.
3.Seminar on Culture : Participants : P.Govinda Pillai and Prof.G.N.Panicker.
4.Seminar on Environment : Participants : Dr.M.K.Prasad, B.Sugatha Kumary, Dr.R.V.G Menon and Binoy Viswom.
5.Seminar on Police and Law and Order: Participants : Dr.P.J.Alexander IPS former DGP, R.P.C.Nair/IPS former DGP and Dr.N.K.Jayakumar, Secretary, Kerala Legislature.
6.Seminar on Health : Participants : Dr. C.R.Soman, Dr.V.C.Velayudhan Pillai, Dr.K.A.Kumar and Dr.V.Ramankutty.
            2012 January 10, inaugural session Shri.S.Sudhakar Reddy, Website inauguration – Shri.Veliyam Bhargavan, Presided by Shri.C.K.Chandrappan. Felicitations by Prof.O.N.V.Kurup,  Shri.P.Govinda Pillai, Shri.V.M.Sudheeran, Shri.N.K.Muneer, Shri.P.Viswambharan Ex.MP., Prof.T.J.Chandrachoodan
            2012 February 22, Lecture series inaugurated by Shri.K.C.Joseph, Hon’ble Minister, Lecture by Shri.C.P.Nayar IAS, Retd, (Topic : CEO Non Pareil) and Shri.K.V.Nambiar IAS Retd. (Topic : Achutha Menon The Chief Minister)
            2012 March 20, Inauguration by Shri.Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Lecture by Dr.V.N.Rajasekharan Pillai, (Topic : C.Achutha Menon An Institutional Builder) and Shri.P.Viswambharan Ex.MP (Topic : C.Achutha Menon Most Efficient Chief Minister)
            2012 May 16, One Day Seminar on National Water Policy
            2012 June 23, inauguration Shri.Aryadan Muhammed, Lecture by Justice Shri.C.S.Rajan, (Topic : C.Achutha Menon The Individual and his life) and Dr.P.J.Alexander, Former DGP (Topic : Coalition Politics : A Case Study of Kerala)
            2012 July 26 – 28, Three Day National Seminar on Kerala Economy in Transition
            2012 August 16 (21st Death Anniversary), inauguration :Shri.V.S.Shivakumar, Hon’ble Minister, Memorial Lecture by Dr.M.A.Oommen (Topic : Democratic Decentralisation in Kerala : Hope and Despire) and Dr.Michael Tharakan (Topic : C.Achutha Menon And Land Reforms in Kerala)
            2012 September 12, K.V.Surendrananath 7th death anniversary Inauguration Shri.Binoy Viswam, Panel Discussion on Haritha Politics and Development. Moderator : Prof.M.K.Prasad,  K.N.Balagopalan MP, V.D.Satheesan MLA, Shri.C.R.Neelakantan, Shri.Francis George Ex.MP., Dr.V.S.Vijayan, Shri.E.M.Satheesan and Ms.S.Santhi attended.
            2012 October 16, Lecture by Shri.K.Jayakumar IAS, Retd., (Topic : C.Achutha Menon A Moral Force in Kerala Politics)
            2012 October 25 – 27, Jeevithamudra (Photo Cartoon Exihibition) Literary Meet, Poets Meet, Artistic Competitions at VJT Hall, Photo Exhibition (25th October) inauguration Shri.G.Karthikeyan, (Former Speaker), Shri.P.Viswambharan Ex.MP, and Prof.Meenakshi Thampan Ex.MLA felicitated Shri.E.Chandrasekharan Nair Chaired the meeting. Poets Meet (25th October) Inauguration by Dr.Puthussery Ramachandran. Literary Meet (26th October) Inauguration by Shri.C.Radhakrishnan, attended by Perumpadavam Sreedharan, Prof.G.N.Panicker, Dr.D.Benjamin, Dr.P.Soman,.
            2012 November 20, Lecture by Dr.M.S.Valiathan (Topic : C.Achutha Menon : An Institution Builder) Dr.K.Mohan Das, (Vice-Chancellor, Medical University) presided in the meeting prizes were distributed to the winners in the various competitions conducted for school children from October 25 – 27.
            2012 December 21 – 23, Three Day National Seminar on Water Management Mounting Challenges and Responses
            2012 December Organised Inter Collegiate debating competition at Trivandrum (Centre Hall) Thodupuzha (New Man’s College), Thrissur (Kerala Varma College) and Kozhikode (Town Hall). The final was held in the Centre Hall at Trivandrum.
            2013 January 13, Closing Session of Centenary Programmes : Memorial Stamp Release by Smt.Sobha Koshy, (Chief Post Master General) Stamp received by Shri.Vayalar Ravi (Hon’ble Union Minister)
            Release of two Books : Achutha Menon Smrithi Chithrangal and Kavisangamam by Shri.E.Chandrasekharan Nair, Thalekkunnil Basheer Ex. MP., M.Vijayakumar Former Minister, N.K.Premachandran (Former Minister), Binoy Viswam (Former Minister) & C.Divakaran MLA. Spoke on the occasion.
            2014 Centenary Souvenir released in January 2014.
            The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has sanctioned a study centre to the Foundation in July 2007. The study centre was formally inaugurated by Shri.M.A.Baby, Hon’ble Minister for Education. Dr.V.N.Rajasekhara Pillai, Vice Chancellor, IGNOU presided over the function.
            A Computer laboratory with 15 computers with all the necessary accessories has been setup at the study centre under the (MPLAD) scheme of Shri.Pannian Raveendran M.P. for the benefit of IGNOU students, Library & Office.
            A number of functions were organized by the centre in memory of K.V.Surendranath, the chief architect of the foundation and its founder secretary. A sum of Rs. 5,000 is donated every year by ABHAYA of Smt.K.Sugathakumari to K.V.Surendranath Endowment fund for releasing the award to the first rank holder in MA Philosophy. Shri.K.V.Surendranath himself was winner of the Gold Medal for first rank in BA (Hon) in Philosophy.
            The first Death Anniversary of K.V.Surendranath was observed on 15th September, 2006, Shri.V.S.Achuthanandan, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala inaugurated the memorial function. Shri.Mullakkara Retnakaran, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture released the book “Man, Vision and Environment” a collection of articles by K.V.Surendranath, published by the Foundation.
            The Endowment Award for First Rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2005) was given to Ms.Krishnakumari J.T
            K.V.Surendranath Memorial Lecture: The first K.V.Surendranath Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr.A.D.Damodaran, former Director, NIST, Trivandrum on 17th October 2007 on the topic “Indo-US Nuclear Agreement: A techno-political evaluation”. K.V.Surendranath Award was given to Paul Manalil for his book on Social Science “Keralathile Bhasha Newnapakshangal”
            The Endowment Award for First Rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2006) was given to Ms.Deepa V.Nair
            K.V.Surendranath Award : K.V.Surendranath Award for the best book in Environment given to P.S.Gopinathan Nair for his masterpiece ‘Jalum, Jeevajalum’. At a function held on 30.10.2008. The Endowment Award for first rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2007)  was given to Ms.Raji.R.G.
            K.V.Surendranath Award 2009 was given to M.P.Veerendrakumar for his Magnum opus ‘Haimavathabhoovil’. The Endowment Award for First Rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2008) was given to Ms.Athira Chandran.C.I
            Fifth Death Anniversary Meeting held on 2010 December 25. Memorial speech by Shri.Sukumara Pillai. K.V.Surendranath Award given to Dr.R.Gopinathan for his book on Social Science ‘Malayalathanima’.
            The Endowment Award for First Rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2009) was given to Ms.Vijimol.
            Sixth Death Anniversary Meeting held on 2011 December 22. K.V.Surendranath Award for the best boom on environment was given to Shri.Saji James for his book ‘Sailent Valley : Oru Paristhiri Samarathinte Charithram’. The Endowment Award for First Rank holder in MA Philosophy exam (2010) was given to Ms.Vijitha.V
            Seventh Death Anniversary Meeting held on 2013 February 4. Memorial speech by Shri.M.P.Achuthan MP. K.V.Surendranath Award given to Shri.V.K.Joseph for his Travelogue ‘Lorkayude Nagarathiloode’ Memorial Prize given to first rank holder Kumari Anjali.G.V. in MA Philosophy (2011).
            Eight Death Anniversary Meeting held on 2013 November 7, Dr.G.Madhavan Nair (Former Chairman, ISRO) made Memorial speech on Development Needs of India. K.V.Surendranath Award given to Dr.K.Sugathan for his book ‘Buddhamathavum Jathivyavasthayum’. Endowment Award to first rank holder in MA Philosophy (2012) given to Kumari Nayana Sagar.
            Nineth Death Anniversary Meeting held on 2015 May 26. K.V.Surendranath Award given to Dr.N.J.Natarajan for his Travelogue ‘Vensankholikalude Pranayatheeram’ Endowement Award for first rank holder in MA Philosophy (2013) given to Kumari Aneesha Beegum.
            Son of the great freedom fighter and Vayalar hero C.K.Kumarapanicker, C.K.Chandrappan was the founder member and later President of the Foundation. He was a great parliamentarian and organizer. While he was the Secretary of the CPI State Council and the President of the Foundation he passed away on 22nd March 2012. Memorial Meetings are held every year in connection with his death anniversary. As a mark of respect to the departed leader his wife Smt.Bulu Roy Choudhary has been awarded an honorary membership of the foundation. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Foundation for 2015-2017.
            Freedom fighter, first lady MLA and protem speaker of the first communist Ministry in Kerala (1957), prominent Trade Union Leader in the Plantation Sector in Idukki Dist. and the President of the Foundation after Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer, passed away at the age of 101 on 28th December 2013. In the Memorial Meeting held on 4th January 2014 Prof.K.Raman Pillai, Shri.M.P.Achuthan MP and Shri. Pannian Raveendran delivered the Memorial Speeches.
            A three member delegation from the Communist Party of China under the Leadership of WANG Zheng, Deputy Director, Asia Bureau, International Department, Central Committee of CPC visited the Centre on 11.07.2015. The visit was part of their Study Tour in Kerala for understanding Kerala Model of Development. Com.Binoy Viswom, Com.K.Prakash Babu besides Dr.R.K.Suresh Kumar and N.Shanmughom Pillai welcomed them and explained the Kerala Model of Development with particular reference to the great contributions of C.Achutha Menon as Chief Minister of Kerala in pushing forward the development trajectory of Kerala during 1969 – 1977.

            The Centre has organized a Medical Camp for detection of Diabetics and B.P. along with blood testing and an awareness class on 29th May 2004 in collaboration with ‘Health Action by People’, a voluntary organization led by Dr.C.R.Soman and Dr.V.Ramankutty. About 200 persons including women attended the camp.
            A Cancer Detection Camp was organized by the centre on 10th January 2005. The camp was led by four Doctors and technicians and paramedical staff of the Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram. The camp was inaugurated by Shri.P.K.Vasudevan Nair M.P. It was attended by 153 persons including 79 women.
            A Diabetic Medical Camp was organized on 26.07.2015 (Sunday) in association with the Indian Institute of Diabetes, IGNOU, CRA, and PURA.
            Poor relief activities, the centre is regularly supplying school uniforms, text books and instrument boxes to poor students of various schools in the city and sub-urban schools as part of poor relief activities.
K.V.Surendranath Endowment: Set up in memory of the founder secretary of the Centre in 2006 is regularly sponsoring the education of 8 poor children of the Govt. H.S.S. Chalai, Thiruvananthapuram in Std. V to XII. The SBT Employees Union is donating Rs.5,000 every year to the endowment fund as a mark of respect to one of their founder leaders.